Cloud Developers

Community Head · Project Lead

Built and scaled a community for cloud enthusiast learners and developers of all levels, fom Newbie to expert professionals.

The Organization

Cloud Developers(name hidden on request)

This is a cloud agnostic organization working on creating a self learning environment for learners to acquire Hands-on skills in specially designed AI & Cloud training programs to advance their career.

The Project

As a service provider we were the silent community builders for the organization. I led the project with a team of 5.

  • Streamlined Stakeholder Communication
    • Implemented weekly progress reports with targeted insights, resulting in an increase in project buy-in from key stakeholders.
  • Data-Driven Research Strategy
    • Developed a research framework analyzing competitor landscapes and target audience behaviors, informing 150% improvement in community design.
  • Fast-Track Community Launch
    • Executed a comprehensive 4-week launch plan, culminating in a successful online event with 40 engaged inner circle members ready to join the community.
  • Optimized User Onboarding Journey
    • Redesigned the onboarding process leveraging user feedback, boosting member conversion rate by 60% and exceeding initial targets.
  • Proactive Event Management
    • Curated a dynamic event calendar for three months ahead, featuring industry experts in relevant fields, fostering member engagement and knowledge sharing.
  • Engaging Online Events
    • Successfully hosted and moderated numerous online events featuring industry experts, leading to member satisfaction and a 45% increase in community activity.
  • Multi-Channel Content Strategy
    • Crafted monthly content strategies for both the community and the brand's social handles, driving 400% audience growth and an increase in brand awareness.
  • 3k members were acquired in 1 month, with more than a 30% active rate.

Assets I Built

  • Extensive content repository
  • Partnerships with local communities
  • Blogs
  • Community website page
  • Twitter
  • Newsletter design

My Role

  • Community Launch and Growth
  • Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Content and events Strategy
  • Member onboarding
  • Event Organization & Hosting

I Help brands convert their audience to dedicated members and brand advocates. Which gives result in the form of Acquisition, retention, and product feedback.

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