Community Folks

Community Manager (Sep, 2021 – March, 2022)

Community and Operations Head( March, 2022 – June, 2023)

Built thriving communities for client organizations. Scaled the home community of Community Folks.

The Organization

Community Folks

Community Folks is a consultancy firm which helps brands build their community. They also have a self-owned community of Community Professionals. The community is called Community Folks.

The Project

I joined Community Folks with a passion to connect folks and help them. With Community Folks I have learned a lot. I have successfully built 4 communities and helped many launch.

  • Engagement Champion:
    • **Skyrocketed engagement** in the Community Folks community by **over 200%**, fostering a vibrant and thriving space for members.
    • **Ignited Community Folks' Twitter engagement by an impressive 400%**, driving meaningful conversations and amplifying brand reach.
    • **Revitalized the Community Folks newsletter and blog**, producing compelling content that **tripled the subscriber base** and **boosted open rates by 300%**, fostering deeper connections with the community.
  • Event Orchestrator:
    • Spearheaded engaging event initiatives:
      • Chronicles of Community Builders: A global online series featuring renowned community builders sharing their expertise with our members.
      • When Retro Meets Metro: A monthly member catch-up call fostering community connections.
    • Planned, executed, and hosted successful offline events across India, further strengthening community bonds.
  • Strategic & Operational Leader:
    • **Developed a meticulously-planned content calendar**, ensuring consistent and high-quality engagement.
    • **Formulated and executed a successful community migration strategy** from Facebook to WhatsApp, including a fresh content and event plan for optimal engagement.
    • **Overhauled the Community Folks website** for enhanced functionality and user experience.
  • Community Builder:
    • Launched a thriving community for HR, sales, and marketing professionals.
    • Contributed to building a community for an electric cycle brand through influencer research, member engagement, and content creation.
  • Leadership & Team Management:
    • Designed and led a successful hiring program within the community industry.
    • Led a 5-member community and content team in planning and executing impactful campaigns, achieving targeted audience growth and organic community expansion.

Assets I Built

  • Newsletter
  • Medium blogs
  • YouTube channel
  • Website
  • Twitter
  • Community 3.0

My Role

  • Community Growth
  • Content Strategy & Writing
  • Connecting Members
  • Event Organization & Hosting

I Help brands convert their audience to dedicated members and brand advocates. Which gives result in the form of Acquisition, retention, and product feedback.

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