Pitch Labs

Junior Moderator ·

Preparing the community for launch.

The Organization

Pitch Labs

Pitch Labs is a student lead community. A place to find, refine and grow ideas into larger scale business.

The Project

I have joined Pitch Labs as a freelance Junior Moderator in August 2023. My job is to help them build a strategy for,

  • community launch
  • Content
  • Discord server structure
  • Member onboarding journey
  • Member activation journey
  • Events

Currently I am reviewing the Discord server they have built and providing ways to improve it for future members.

Assets I Built

  • Coming soon...

My Role

  • Discord Server Setup
  • Community Launch
  • Community Growth
  • Content Strategy & Writing
  • Connecting Members
  • Event Strategy

I Help brands convert their audience to dedicated members and brand advocates. Which gives result in the form of Acquisition, retention, and product feedback.

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